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US History Research: Primary Sources


Other Ideas

If you are still having difficulty finding a primary source document, ask yourself these questions to find more places to look.

  • Is there a specific library website that may have primary sources related to your topic? (ex. presidential library, library in a location where an event happened, a university library where a person attended, etc.)
  • Is there a museum that may have primary source documents online related to your topic? (ex. Holocaust Museum, Smithsonian Museums, Metropolitan Museum of Art, etc.)
  • Is there a government office that might have docuemnts online connected to your topic? (ex. Whitehouse, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, etc.)

Still stumped? Contact your librarian, teacher, or the education specialist at the National Archives (

Find Primary Sources

Primary Source Websites

Boston Public Library Databases

Types of Primary Sources

Diaries and literary memoirs

Letters/ Correspondence

Artistic works (musical and visual arts)

News segments/transcripts




Legal documents and Statistics


