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Galileo's Trial
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Websites & Primary Sources
Galileo Galilei by SmartHistory
UMKC Famous Trials - The Trial of Galileo Galilei
The Crime of Galileo: Indictment and Abjuration of 1633
primary source material
Two Views of the Universe: Galileo vs. the Pope
excellent overview
The Copernican Model: A Diagram from On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies
primary source material
The Copernican Model: A Color Engraving
Dedication of the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies to Pope Paul III
primary source
Johannes Kepler, from Astronomia Nova. Heidelberg, 1609
primary source
Francis Bacon. Epistle Dedicatory to James I. In The Great Instauration.
Letter of Nicholas Schönberg in introduction to Copernicus
primary source
Ptolemaic Model of the Solar System
primary source
Indictment of Galileo: page 1 from Documents from the Case of Galileo
primary source
Galileo Project from Rice University
Lots of great information on a variety of Galileo related topics including timelines, other scientists, and inventions.
Private Life of Galileo - compiled principally from his correspondence and that of his daughter Sister Maria Celeste
Retrying Galileo
The Martyrs of Science
PBS Nova - Galileo's Battle for the Heavens
Galileo's Depositions (PSD)
Selected Letters (PSD)
Galileo's Defense (PSD)
Papal Condemnation of Galileo (PSD)
Dialogue Concerning Two Chief World Systems by Galileo (PSD)
Admonition of Galileo (PSD)
Relevant Scriptural References (PSD)
Scientific American - Galileo's Contradiction: The Astronomer Who Riled the Inquisition Fathered 2 Nuns
Galileo Trial 1616 Documents
400 Years Ago the Catholic Church Prohibited Copernicanism
Council of Trent - PSD
Letter to Madame Christina of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany
Francesco Ingoli's Essay to Galileo
Castelli Biography - MacTutor
The European Renaissance and Reformation
Norman J. Wilson (Editor)
Call Number: 940.21 WIL
ISBN: 9780787617066
Publication Date: 2001-06-08
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance
Call Number: R 940.21 ENC
ISBN: 0684805146
Publication Date: 1999-12-17
The Renaissance Reader
Kenneth J. Atchity (Editor)
Call Number: 809.894 REN
ISBN: 0062701290
Publication Date: 1996-07-17
Galileo's Daughter
Dava Sobel
Call Number: B GALILEI Location: Math & Science
ISBN: 0140280553
Publication Date: 2000-11-01
Crime of Galileo
Call Number: B GAL Location: Math & Science
Galileo: first observer of marvelous things.
Call Number: B GALILEI Location: Math & Science
Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
Galileo Galilei
Recentering the Universe
Ron Miller
ISBN: 9781467716628
Publication Date: 2013-08-01