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@ Greenfield High School: Presentation Tips

Tips & Tricks

Tips for Creating a Presentation
  • use lots of images, charts, and graphs to illustrate your points - use your voice rather than text to explain
  • limit the amount of information on each slide, no more than two or three points
  • have lots of empty space on your slides to focus the attention of your audience on what is really important: YOU!
Tips for Presenting
  • dress neatly; do not let your appearance distract from your presentation
  • smile - it will put you and your audience at ease
  • greet your audience and tell them what to expect during your presentation
  • speak clearly and slowly
  • make eye contact with your audience
  • involve your audience by asking a question (be aware of time though - you could ask your audience to think of an answer instead of answering out loud)
  • use humor if it is appropriate
  • being nervous is okay; do not apologize too much for mistakes
  • having notes will make you more confident about your material
  • do not read your slides
  • explain everything; do not assume your audience already understands your topic
  • rehearse - it will make you more comfortable with your presentation and help you with the time limit